Energy Saving Advice for This Spring

Spring is ahead of us, and to help prepare, your friends at Fairclough Propane have some important conservation tips to help you reduce your energy expenses and usage this season. Conservation is the best way to reduce your spending; here’s how you can start saving immediately.

Spring Conservation Tips

  • Open windows: Especially during the mild temperatures of spring, open your windows! Letting natural air breeze through your home will cool it for you without having to switch on your air conditioner.
  • Bring in natural light: Instead of relying on energy to brighten your home during the day, pull back blinds and shades that may be blocking windows to allow natural light to enter.
  • Make use of your ceiling fans: Utilizing your ceiling fans will allow you to raise your system’s thermostat by as much as four degrees so it doesn’t go on as early, reducing energy usage without sacrificing comfort. To help produce a downdraft, ensure your ceiling fan is rotating counter-clockwise; this will create the direct, cooling breeze you want.
  • Cook outside: Cooking with indoor ovens can heat up your home, which isn’t ideal when you want to keep the warmth out. On warmer days, cook your dinner on the grill.

Fairclough Propane is your heating and cooling expert for improving energy efficiency. Contact ustoday to learn more at (973) 383-1768.